A Disney Birthday Experience

Our oldest, little love turned 5 last week -
with such a big birthday and being so close to Christmas
we decided we’d go the “experience” route rather than a birthday party.

We wanted our friends and family to be involved in celebrating Isla too,
so here’s how we did that - read on for the most magical Disney day trip, ever!

DAY OF - Disney Trip Details…
I planned out each experience based on the day,
so once we were in the park she opened the envelope from her Nanna & Granddad
- which was money for an autograph book, while watching their Happy Birthday video,
she had a set limit to spend and purchased the book with her own money - which she loved!
You’ll find the experience list that I sent with the video guidelines below,
feel free to use it as a guide and spread them out throughout the day based on the park map.
As I mentioned before we started with the autograph book, and ended the day with the balloon!
We weren’t able to get many autographs, but we plan on getting her disposable camera developed
and letting her use the book as a scrapbook, the one she chose has photograph sleeves!

More Details + A few Disney Tips
(for people like us who don’t do Disney often)

  • We made her a “Magic Ticket” to tell her that she was going

  • Gifted - Minnie Ears & Minnie Ears Scrunchies (as a headband back-up)

  • A disposable camera for the trip

  • Locally made, non-toxic Disney themed doughie’s - linked below

  • An outfit for the day, gifted by her Nona

  • TIP: Save the videos in their own album on your phone so they’re easy to access day of!

  • We added Mickey faces and birthday hats to little brown envelopes,
    then packed them with cash and wrote the experience and who it’s from on the back

  • I captured pictures and little videos throughout the day, and made a thank you
    video for all of our family and friends that contributed, it was really sweet!

    Direct Links: Minnie Scrunchies / Minnie Ears / Doughie Jax
    Invitations made via Canva | Graphics from Etsy & Canva

Before your trip: Download the Disney Experience App,
we (very early on - day of) purchased the Genie+ Service via the app for $20/ person,
allowing us to book 2-3 Lighting Lane experiences -
(we chose It’s a Small World, Cinderella Meet & Greet and front row seats to the parade)
you can also order your food/ drinks ahead of time through the app, which worked out great for us!

Our “Invitation” Design - 2 Parts
(we sent them out via text, PaperlessPost.com is a great option too)